Myles Walimaa
Creative and collaborative problem solver with a passion for ecological conservation through data science, field work, and geospatial analysis. Wide range of experiences from scuba diving to wildland firefighting, and self-taught coding in R to mapping in many platforms.
Hard copy of most recent resume found here.
Northern Michigan University - B.S. Environmental Science
Marquette, MI | August 2016 - May 2019 | Magna Cum Laude
Schoolcraft College - A.A.S. Sound Recording Technology
Livonia, MI | August 2013 - May 2015
The gut microbiome of wild American marten in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Diana Lafferty, et al.
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science Lab
Accepted for publication October 2022
- Co-author who performed GIS processing using R-Studio and QGIS, prepared and conducted fieldwork activities, and contributed to writing the final manuscript
- Combined raster and vector (shapefile) datasets to generate random sampling locations, extract spatial and environmental data for analysis, and produce cartographic maps
Representation revisited: a detailed assessment of ecosystem representation in the protected areas of the United States
Brandon Caltrider, Randy Swaty, and Myles Walimaa
Conservation Data Lab
Presented at International Association of Landscape Ecology, April 2021
- Co-author who cooperatively read literature, identified project, outlined research plan, gathered and analyzed data, prepared summary charts and interactive maps, and presented findings using R Studio
- Combined and analyzed raster and vector (shapefile) data to extract ecological summaries inside and outside the protected lands of the United States using a variety of datasets
Analyzing trends in solar radiation over the Laurentian Great Lakes
Myles Walimaa
Northern Michigan University, April 2019
- Awarded first-place poster ribbon at Northern Michigan University’s Celebration of Student Scholarship
- Independently read literature, identified project, outlined research plan, gathered and analyzed data, prepared research report, and created poster for presentation
- Data analysis included using R-Studio coding to transform, combine, and process large .csv files (75,000+ rows) into summary tables with basic statistical tests to assess hypothesis
- R Studio - scripting, functions, data wrangling, data analysis, statistics, charts and plots, GIS, spatial analysis, cartography, interactive webmaps, R Markdown
- ArcGIS Pro / ArcMap 10 - vector and raster processing, feature class creation, manage attribute tables, spatial analysis, georeference images, cartography, Python 3
- QGIS - vector and raster processing, shapefile creation, manage attribute tables, spatial analysis, georeference images, cartography
- QCAD - 2D structure blueprints and layouts
- SQL - Database creation, querying, editing